Beginning of the Night
Etizolam is not to be underestimated.
I am going to explain to you why.
It all started when I was drinking and snorting with 2 friends of mine. One of them is also my business partner.
So we got this Etizolam from a German manufacturer. They made 5 milligram pellets out of the 'normally' white powder.
So got a good price. So I said to my friend Jordy in Dutch: 'laten wij die etizolam kopen.
First Jordy took it as Guinae-pig...
Jordy started with 5 milligram of this benzodiazepin.
It took him over completely.
I on the other was using it like a sleeping powder. It is a guarantee black out, please lock the door when you are on this stuff.
I am not kidding, if you decide to go Dutchy and you order etizolam, you should acknowledge this.